MY NɆCK BR0KE JUST WATCHING THIS: Mike Tyson neck exercises. Don’t try this at home | HO

Tyson strengthening his neck. Neck training

Mike Tyson's intense neck workout aged 18 shows he was built different

One for those who are happy to bend over backwards to get a strong neck and improve upper body fitness

We already dissected the Mike Tyson bodyweight workout and this time we have another bodyweight exercise that was preferred by him and other top-tier boxers such as Anthony Joshua and Oleksandr Usyk. Doing this exercise won’t get you big arms or a broad back.

No, the wrestler neck bridge makes your neck strong, which is admittedly a good thing when you are boxing but could come in handy in other situations too. Sure, it’s not the most efficient way to get ripped, according to science, but it will give you a big, muscular neck. And who doesn’t want that?

Mike Tyson neck training ( neck bridges ) - YouTube

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Iron Mike used to do wrestler neck bridges as part of his neck strengthening training. It makes sense for him trying to strengthen his neck this way. Boxers will get punched in the face quite a lot and should they have a strong neck, it might help reduce whiplash and keep them off the floor for longer.

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That said, the wrestler neck bridge is a tough and dangerous bodyweight exercise, even for pro boxers. Tyson didn’t ‘just’ do the neck roll to get a strong neck but had a neck muscle training regimen in place too. Without other strengthening exercises, you can literally break your neck at home trying to replicate this exercise. To reiterate, don’t try this at home.

Other pro boxers such as Anthony Joshua did the infamous wrestler neck bridge exercise after it was performed by Tyson in the 90s, as seen in the video above, but even his attempt is no match to the intensity of the original move. All those shrugs and other types of neck and back strengthening exercises paid off for Mike but he was basically exercising all day long for years.

Mike Tyson bodyweight exercise calisthenics workout wrestler neck bridge

(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you want to have a strong neck, we recommend doing something a little less intense. Kettlebell/dumbbell shrugs are a great way to increase the build traps, the muscles around the neck. The farmer’s carry exercise works equally well. Overhead presses not only help strengthen the neck but will help big delts (shoulders) and triceps too. Barbell bent over rows can also strengthen the upper back/neck. Upright rows also train both your shoulders and traps.

Interested in boxing workouts? Try this intense 12-minute boxing full body workout or the best boxing workout for weight loss, if you are planning on losing some belly fat. The best bodyweight home workout for beginners can build the foundations for performing more demanding workouts later, such as the hardest calisthenics workout or the Navy SEALs workout.