Floyd Mayweather Blesses 3 Homeless Men With An Extremely Generous Financial Gift | HO

On Wednesday, before attending an NBA Playoff game in Downtown L.A., the boxing legend gave three men an unexpected gift.

To say Floyd Mayweather is a polarizing figure is an understatement. The boxing legend isn’t usually in the news for the good he does. However, on Wednesday, the former champion may have changed three lives with his charitable act.

Image for article titled Floyd Mayweather Blesses 3 Homeless Men With An Extremely Generous Financial Gift

According to TMZ Sports, Mayweather was leaving The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Downtown L.A. and headed across the street to Crypto.com Arena for Game 5 of the first round NBA Playoffs series between the Dallas Mavericks and Los Angeles Clippers when he encountered three homeless men outside the luxury hotel.

After talking with the men for a little while, Floyd wanted to help, so he reached into his backpack and gifted each man with $10,000.

“I don’t want to show my face, but [Floyd] just gave us $30,000,” Reynolds, one of the men, told TMZ. “We do not want to get robbed. We will go find a motel.”

This is a truly generous gift from Mayweather, but we do have a few questions. Even for someone as rich as he is, who carries around a backpack with thousands of dollars of cash in it?

Mayweather gần đây đã cảm thấy làm từ thiện

In case you’re unfamiliar with the area, The Ritz-Carlton is in the LA Live complex, which is across the street from the arena. It’s a very short walk between the two.

Sadly, Downtown L.A. does have a large homeless population, but in this specific area, LAPD and LA Live security make sure tourists around the arena don’t notice them. And you definitely won’t see them outside The Ritz-Carlton.

Whether this was a pre-arranged moment or an impromptu act of generosity, the important part of this story is that three people who are down on their luck got some much needed help.

Apparently, it was a busy night for Floyd, as he reportedly also gave some kids selling candy $500. He did eventually make it courtside for the game where he got to watch the Clippers lose 123-93.