Tyson Fury's dad John left with bloodied face after bust-up with member of Oleksandr... - LBC

Boxing Drama: Stanislav’s Perspective on the Incident with John Fury

In the aftermath of a dramatic encounter involving John Fury, the father of heavyweight boxer Tyson Fury, and Stanislav, a Ukrainian team member, Boxing King Media caught up with Stanislav to get his perspective on the incident. With the help of a translator, Di, Stanislav opened up about his feelings, the reactions from the public, and his thoughts on John Fury’s apology.

Reflecting on the Incident

Just 24 hours after the confrontation, Stanislav appeared calm and composed. When asked how he felt, he responded in Ukrainian, “Вчора ти по всьому інтернету був. Як ти себе чувствуєш після 24 годин?” (Yesterday, you were all over the internet. How are you feeling after 24 hours?). Stanislav replied, “Так все добре, дякую. Слава Богу. Я переживаю як Джон Ф’юрі чи в нього все добре. Я більше за нього переживаю ніж за себе. В мене все в порядку, дякую.” (I’m fine, thank you. Thank God. I’m worried about John Fury, if he’s alright. I’m more concerned about him than myself. I’m okay, thank you).

Stanislav expressed more concern for Fury’s well-being than his own, indicating a level of sportsmanship and maturity often overshadowed by the drama of the confrontation. He observed, “Я бачив що він сильнона кровотеча. Ну думаю що в нього все нормально. Тим паче вік.” (I saw he was bleeding heavily. But I think he’s fine, especially given his age).

John Fury left bleeding after alleged headbutt on member of Oleksandr Usyk's team ahead of Tyson

Hospital Visit and Support

Addressing rumors about his condition, Stanislav confirmed he visited a hospital, aided by a teammate, Koya. He appreciated the overwhelming support he received, saying, “Дякую всім, хто до мене написав. Хто турбується про моє здоров’я. Передаю всім вітання, вітання свому сину серафіму і своїй коханій дружині Ані.” (Thank you to everyone who wrote to me, who cares about my health. Greetings to my son Serafim and my beloved wife Anna).

Stanislav’s gratitude towards his supporters shows his humility and grounded nature despite being thrust into a high-profile incident. He acknowledged the concern from fans and the broader boxing community, emphasizing his appreciation for their kindness and support.

Misconceptions About Age

One surprising element of the incident was the misconception about Stanislav’s age. Many believed he was a teenager, leading to headlines suggesting John Fury had assaulted a young boy. Clarifying this, Stanislav stated, “I’m 30 years old.” This revelation puts the incident in a different light, challenging the narrative that had circulated widely.

John Fury’s Apology

John Fury’s apology video drew mixed reactions. Stanislav reflected on it, noting, “Було цікаво за цим всім спостерігати. Багато уваги. Мені було цікаво читати коментарі. Дякую вболівальникам Великобританії за підтримку. Дуже багато людей мені також виразили свою підтримку.” (It was interesting to observe all of this. A lot of attention. It was interesting for me to read the comments. Thanks to the fans in the UK for their support. Many people also expressed their support for me).

Despite the apology, Stanislav seemed more focused on the broader implications and the public’s reaction. When asked about the sincerity of Fury’s apology, he mentioned, “Я бачив тільки відео де він вибачався перед королем по-моєму Саудівської Аравії.” (I only saw the video where he apologized to the King of Saudi Arabia, I think).

Looking Ahead

Stanislav expressed no intention of prolonging the issue, preferring to focus on the upcoming fight. He said, “Та я не думаю про це. Я просто спостерігаю і отримую задоволення від предстоящого бою.” (I don’t think about it. I’m just observing and enjoying the upcoming fight).

The incident, while dramatic, did not seem to distract Stanislav from the primary purpose of his presence – the sport of boxing. His calm demeanor and focus on the future show a level of professionalism that contrasts with the sensationalism often associated with such confrontations.

John Fury’s Follow-Up

Interestingly, Stanislav had not seen John Fury’s follow-up video, which added another layer of complexity to the situation. When informed that Fury had addressed the situation humorously in a new video, Stanislav had no immediate reaction, having not viewed it himself.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on the widespread attention and his own experience, Stanislav remained philosophical. “Дякую. Я вдячний просто Богу за все що відбувається.” (Thank you. I’m just grateful to God for everything that happens).

This concluding sentiment captures Stanislav’s overall approach to the incident – one of gratitude and perspective. Despite the turmoil and the media frenzy, he remains centered and focused on his role in the sport.


The incident between John Fury and Stanislav has generated significant media attention, but through it all, Stanislav has demonstrated remarkable composure and sportsmanship. His focus on the well-being of others, his gratitude for support, and his ability to maintain perspective amidst chaos speak volumes about his character. As the boxing world continues to discuss and dissect the incident, Stanislav’s reflections provide a grounded and human perspective on what could otherwise be reduced to mere sensationalism.