Stephen Silver on X: "This story... isn't true. Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson have not teamed up to create a "non-woke film studio." The quote in it attributed to Gibson is made


In a groundbreaking move, Hollywood veterans Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg have joined forces to establish a new film production studio dedicated to traditional storytelling and sidestepping contemporary “woke” culture. This bold venture, named “Legacy Films,” aims to create a cinematic haven for filmmakers and audiences yearning for classic narratives free from the influence of political correctness and social activism.

The announcement has been met with enthusiasm by many within the industry who feel disillusioned by the pervasive influence of ideological agendas in modern filmmaking. Gibson and Wahlberg, both known for their commitment to authenticity and artistic integrity, are united in their vision to provide a sanctuary for unfiltered creative expression and thought-provoking cinematic experiences.

Legacy Films is set to prioritize timeless narratives and compelling characters, rekindling the essence of storytelling that has been overshadowed by the demands of political correctness and virtue signaling. Gibson and Wahlberg’s initiative promises to champion substance over superficiality, embracing diversity of thought and expression while avoiding the divisive rhetoric that has recently dominated the industry.

“We want to create a space where filmmakers can tell the stories they want to tell without fear of censorship or backlash,” Gibson stated. “Legacy Films will be a place where creativity thrives and where audiences can enjoy movies that resonate on a deeper, more authentic level.”

Wahlberg echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the importance of artistic excellence and open dialogue. “We’re not here to push any specific agenda,” Wahlberg said. “Our goal is to produce high-quality films that entertain, inspire, and provoke thought, without being constrained by the current cultural climate.”

The duo’s commitment to traditional storytelling does not mean they are opposed to diverse voices or perspectives. On the contrary, Legacy Films aims to foster an environment where a wide range of stories can be told, reflecting the complex and multifaceted nature of the human experience. By creating a platform for filmmakers to explore different viewpoints and narratives, Gibson and Wahlberg hope to set a new standard for cinematic storytelling that transcends ideological boundaries.

Legacy Films plans to produce a diverse slate of projects, from epic historical dramas to contemporary thrillers, all with a focus on rich storytelling and character development. The studio’s founders are confident that their approach will resonate with audiences who have grown weary of films that prioritize political messaging over entertainment and artistry.

As Gibson and Wahlberg embark on this ambitious endeavor, they invite filmmakers and audiences alike to join them in celebrating the timeless power of storytelling. Legacy Films stands as a testament to their belief in the enduring appeal of narratives that speak to the core of the human experience, untainted by the shifting sands of cultural and political trends.

In conclusion, Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg’s Legacy Films represents a bold step towards reclaiming the soul of cinema. By prioritizing artistic integrity and authentic storytelling, the studio aims to offer a refreshing alternative in an industry often bogged down by ideological battles. This new venture promises to revive the magic of classic filmmaking, ensuring that great stories continue to captivate and inspire generations to come.