A “woke” Washington, DC, judge is facing backlash after he opted to cut loose an 18-year-old accused of fíríng more than two dozen rounds from an AR-15 into a car full of people.

Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, last week ordered Amonte Moody to be released on house arrest ahead of his trial — despite acknowledging that the teen’s alleged actions could have killed someone.

Moody, who was slapped with charges including assault with a dangerous weapon, had allegedly sprayed 26 ѕнσтѕ at an SUV carrying four people on Independence Avenue in the early hours of April 22.

Amonte Moody, 18, was released on bail last week despite allegedly spraying 26 rounds from an AR-15 into a car full of people on April 22 in Washington DC.
Amonte Moody, 18, was released on bail last week despite allegedly spraying 26 rounds from an AR-15 into a car full of people on April 22 in Washington, DC.WUSA9
Nolan’s decision to grant pre-trial release to a teen accused of a serious crime has ignited significant controversy on social media. Critics quickly labeled the judge as a “puppet” of George Soros, highlighting his history of progressive online activity.

Fox News reported that the judge had shared a 2019 meme declaring he was “still woke” and another post supporting Black Lives Matter. Additionally, in 2020, he had posted a link showing his donation to a Gideon’s Promise fundraiser, an organization established through a fellowship from Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

As the backlash against his decision intensified, the judge made his social media accounts private, likely in response to the growing criticism. This incident has sparked a broader debate about the influence of political and social beliefs on judicial decisions and the public’s reaction to perceived partisanship in the justice system.

Lloyd U. Nolan, Jr., a judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, is facing backlash over his decision.George Washington University
“This judge is deeply tied to a George Soros organization and has openly posted about identifying as ‘woke’ on his now-private Facebook page,” one social media user griped.

“Soros-funded DAs and judges continue to allow violent criminals to be free on our streets. This isn’t by accident. It’s all part of a plan to cause chaos. Soros and his globalists thugs know they can control people who are in a state of disarray better than those at peace,” another tweeted.

One X user added: “They say AR15s are dangerous, but here the person wielding the AR15 and spraying more than two dozen rounds on a public street, is not dangerous. How can the AR15 be dangerous if the person using it is not a danger to public? Liberal logic.”

Sign for Gideon's Promise on facebook, "woke" posts
Judge Nolan’s decision to grant pre-trial release to a teen accused of a severe crime has sparked significant outrage on social media, with many criticizing his decision by pointing to his history of “woke” online posts. The backlash, prominently featured on platforms like @EndWokeness on X (formerly Twitter), centers on accusations that Nolan’s progressive views influenced his judicial decision.

Despite finding probable cause for the case to go to trial and acknowledging the severity of the alleged crimes, as highlighted in a transcript of last Friday’s hearing obtained by WUSA9, Nolan still opted to set the teen, identified as Moody, on house arrest. “The concern I have is that this action could have killed someone,” Nolan noted during the hearing, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

However, Moody’s public defender argued for GPS monitoring, emphasizing that the teen had a supportive family willing to supervise him ahead of his trial. This plea apparently swayed Nolan, despite the seriousness of the allegations and his agreement with prosecutors on the potential danger posed by the teen’s actions.

The decision has intensified debates about judicial leniency, the influence of personal beliefs on legal rulings, and the broader implications of “wokeness” in the justice system.

Footage of Moody wielding the AR-15
Moody, who was slapped with charges including assault with a dangerous weapon, had allegedly sprayed 26 ѕнσтѕ at an SUV carrying four people on Independence Avenue in the early hours of April 22.US Attorney for the district of Columbia
When prosecutors pushed back, arguing those options were available to Moody prior to his alleged shooting spree, the judge appeared to agree.

“For something to escalate to the point where you feel you need to go into the middle of the street and let off 26 ѕнσтѕ, I don’t know what set of circumstances, short of incarceration, I can find,” Nolan said.

Despite warning he had concern “for the safety of the community,” the judge eventually relented and released Moody on 24/7 house arrest, with a GPS ankle monitor, at his stepfather’s house in Maryland.

Prosecutors with the US Attorney’s Office in Washington, DC, have since filed an emergency order to reverse the judge’s decision to grant the teen pre-trial release.