In a massive Saturday evening rally in Wildwood, NJ, Donald Trump revisited familiar themes but skillfully sidestepped his court-imposed gag order by directing his ire at President Biden. Trump, clad in his signature blue suit, blood-red tie, and “Make America Great Again” cap, unleashed a barrage of criticisms, targeting Biden as a “total moron” responsible for his legal woes.

Addressing a crowd of tens of thousands, Trump spared no venom, lambasting Biden for what he deemed as unparalleled damage to the nation. He derided Biden’s intelligence, branding him as a “fool” and labeling him the worst president in history. Trump’s tirade against Biden escalated, portraying him as a figure of ridicule on the global stage.

Amidst the fervor, Trump subtly hinted at his legal battles, insinuating Biden’s culpability for his predicament. Trump decried Biden’s actions as reminiscent of practices in “third-world countries” and “banana republics,” lamenting the erosion of democratic norms.

The crowd, estimated to be between 80,000 and 100,000, erupted in cheers throughout Trump’s controlled yet impassioned address, marking a record attendance for a political rally in the Garden State.

They went wild when Trump implied Chris Christie was a “fat pig,” chanted “bulls–t” when he talked about his indictments and booed loudly when he brought up the Biden administration’s decision to withhold an ammo shipment from  Israel as it continues its war with Hamas in Gaza.

“Shocking to hear that!” Trump said, as the crowd cried out in agreement.

He also hit some local notes, including bringing out to the stage New York Giants great Lawrence Taylor.

He told the crowd that his administration oversaw the “greatest economy in the history of our country” — and that New Jersey would benefit heartily if he returned to office.

“If Joe Biden wins this election, the middle class loses, New Jersey loses,” Trump said.

“But if Trump wins, the middle class wins, the people of low income really start winning again, and you’re all going for the American Dream!” he continued. “New Jersey wins, Pennsylvania wins, America wins.”

He also alluded to his looming pick for vice president, and may have hinted at his eventual choice when he referenced North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum — who flew with Trump to the Jersey Shore rally and spoke briefly.

“Just get ready for something — just get ready!” Trump said.

With Post wires

Trump blasts Biden as ‘total moron’ before crowd of 100K at NJ rally: ‘Whole world is laughing at him’ © Provided by New York Post

Trump managed to avoid violating his court-imposed gag order by focusing on President Biden. © Aristide Economopoulos

Donald Trump hit the campaign trail at a massive rally in Wildwood, NJ, Saturday, where he blasted President Biden as a “total moron.” © Aristide Economopoulos

Trump — wearing his typical blue suit, blood-red tie and “Make America Great Again” cap — railed about inflation, offshore windmills, electric cars, the press and Chris Christie. © Aristide Economopoulos

“You could take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, and add them up .. and they haven’t done the damage to our country that this total moron has done,” Trump, 77, said to a cheering crowd of tens of thousands. © Aristide Economopoulos

“He’s a fool, he’s not a smart man. He never was,” Trump said of Biden. © Aristide Economopoulos

The former president also alluded to his own plethora of indictments, which allege he committed a variety of crimes before, during and after the 2016 and 2020 elections. © Aristide Economopoulos

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum speaks during Trump’s campaign rally. © REUTERS

He told the crowd that his administration oversaw the “greatest economy in the history of our country” — and that New Jersey would benefit heartily if he returned to office. © Aristide Economopoulos

The crowd — which Wildwood officials estimated was between 80,000 and 100,000, a record for a Garden State political rally — cheered wildly throughout the long, but controlled speech. © Aristide Economopoulos

Trump managed to avoid violating his court-imposed gag order by focusing on President Biden. Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post

Donald Trump hit the campaign trail at a massive rally in Wildwood, NJ, Saturday, where he blasted President Biden as a “total moron.” Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post

Trump wore his typical blue suit, blood-red tie and “Make America Great Again” cap to the rally. Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post

Of Biden, Trump told the cheering crowd, “You could take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, and add them up .. and they haven’t done the damage to our country that this total moron has done.” Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post

“He’s a fool, he’s not a smart man. He never was,” Trump said of Biden. Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post

During the rally, Trump alluded to his own indictments; alleged crimes he is accused of committing before, during and after the 2016 and 2020 elections. Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum speaks during Trump’s campaign rally. REUTERS © Provided by New York Post

Trump told the crowd that his presidency oversaw the “greatest economy in the history of our country” — and that the Garden State would benefit heartily if he returned to office. Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post

Wildwood officials estimated the crowd was between 80,000 and 100,000, a record for a Garden State political rally. Aristide Economopoulos © Provided by New York Post