Whoopi Goldberg Says: If You Don’t Like Beyoncé’s New Album ‘Cowboy Carter’, You’re Probably a Racist

Whoopi Goldberg Talks Her Career 30 Years After 'Ghost' Oscar Win

During a live television show, **Whoopi Goldberg** caused controversy on social media after commenting on **Beyoncé**’s new album, “Cowboy Carter”. Goldberg said that “if you don’t like this album, you’re probably a racist.”

Beyoncé Reveals Cowboy Carter Artwork, Shares Statement on New Album ...

Goldberg’s remarks quickly spread on social media, with many criticizing her for making an “insensitive” and “divisive” statement.

Some people believe Goldberg is simplifying a complex issue and disrespecting those who have different opinions about Beyoncé’s music.

Others suggested that Goldberg was trying to attract attention by making a controversial statement.

However, there are also some who support Goldberg, arguing that she was simply expressing her opinion and should not be condemned for it. They also believe that Goldberg is entitled to his opinion on Beyoncé’s music, even if they disagree with her.

Currently, Beyoncé has not yet spoken about Goldberg’s comments.

This case once again raises questions about the boundaries of free speech and the hurtful potential of controversial statements.

Does Goldberg have the right to his opinion on Beyoncé’s music, even if it may offend some?

The answer to this question may vary depending on each person’s personal perspective.

Reaction from social networks

“Whoopi Goldberg needs to apologize immediately for her racist comments.” – @OneUser on Twitter
“I don’t agree with Beyoncé’s new album, but that doesn’t mean I’m a racist. Whoopi Goldberg needs to think more carefully before speaking.” – @AnotherUser on Twitter
“I support Whoopi Goldberg’s right to free speech, even if I disagree with what she says.” – @ThirdUser on Twitter


Whoopi Goldberg’s statements could have a negative impact on her reputation and her television show. It could also lead to increased racial tensions and social divisions.

However, it’s also possible that Goldberg will learn from his mistakes and make more cautious comments in the future.

The Whoopi Goldberg incident is a reminder of the importance of thinking carefully before speaking and of the hurtful potential of controversial statements. It is important to respect differing viewpoints and avoid making discriminatory or divisive statements.